Senin, 11 April 2011


07.04.2011 20:34

Eleven goal Juanín lead Barça into semis (30-28)

Llorenç Tarrés (Enviat especial)

Barça Borges have beaten Reale Ademar Leon in their opening match in the Copa del Rey in Vigo. Juanín was sensational. FCB will be seeking a place in the final on Saturday.

Eleven goal Juanín lead Barça into semis (30-28)
Match stats

FC Barcelona Borges (15+15):
Sjöstrand, García (11), Tomás (1), Sarmiento, Romero, Nagy (6), Jernemyr – seven starting– Noddeesbo (1), Entrerríos (2), Sorhaindo (3), Rutenka (5), Rocas, Oneto (1).

Reale Ademar (14+14): Álamo, Montoro (3), Castresana (3), Krivochlykov (5), Aguirrezabalaga (4), Stranovsky (8), Cutura (2) – seven starting– Carou (1), Texeira (1), Melián, Buntic, Chernov (1), Ruesga.

Parcials (5 minutes): 4-2, 7-6, 9-9, 11-10, 13-11, 15-14 (half time), 18-16, 20-16, 21-18, 23-21, 27-24, 30-28 (final).

Referees: Álvarez Mata and Bustamante López
Barça Borges dominated from the start but Ademar were always going to be a noble opponent capable of staying in touch. Nagy in particular helped edge his side into early leads with some excellent playmaking and combination play with Frenchman Sorhaindo. After 7 minutes, Barça Borges were scoring a goal a minute, but the 6-0 system employed by Xavi Pascual was failing to work against Leon at the back, who were finding the target too.

Oneto.jpgBarça Borges went three goals ahead before the two keepers finally started producing key saves and Reale Ademar even edged into the lead at 9-10, Alamo playing splendidly. But Barça quickly responded. Sjöstrand made 12 first half saves and with some great counter play, they were soon 3 up again, although Leon soon cut down another deficit (15-14). Juanín, with five first half goals, was looking impressive.

Exciting finish

In the second half, Barça once again moved ahead, 20-16, and this was the chance to finally break away from Reale Ademar, who had only scored twice in 12 minutes. But it still wasn’t over, and once against Leon came back to within one at 21-20 through Stranovsky. But it was then that Barça really imposed their greater physique on the game, and especially Juanín was outstanding in front of goal. By keeping their heads and maintaining control of the situation from start to finish, FCB had coped with a potentially tricky tie and made it into the last four.

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