Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Image associated to news article on:Agreement FCB-UNESCO

Image associated to news article on:  Agreement FCB-UNESCO

Agreement FCB-UNESCO

We seek to raise awareness of the role of education and sport in the development and welfare of young people.

The five-year agreement implies no fixed financial contribution but rather a commitment by the two organisations to develop activities.

Image associated to news article on:Partnership FC Barcelona and Unicef

Image associated to news article on:  Partnership FC Barcelona and Unicef  Image associated to news article on:  Partnership FC Barcelona and Unicef

Partnership FC Barcelona and Unicef

This agreement will last for five years and involves a financial contribution of 1.5 million euros a year for integral projects selected by the Foundation and UNICEF to benefit vulnerable children.


News article on: Fundació FC Barcelona

Image associated to news article on:  Words and the Arts

Words and the Arts

Sport is part of culture. Hence an organisation such as FC Barcelona and its Foundation cannot stand aside from cultural progress.

lletres_al_camp1.jpgThe Foundation takes part in and drives programmes geared towards fostering culture in the widest sense of the term, as it is a fundamental element in quality of life and social cohesion, in people’s happiness and in the quality of coexistence.

The programme to promote reading called “Lletres al Camp” (Camp Nou & Literature) and the Vázquez Montalbán International Journalism Award are the expression of this commitment.
Image associated to news article on:  Social care and Cohesion

Social care and Cohesion

Sport teaches us solidarity, team working and the understanding that we should not leave any of our comrades behind. This of course is also applicable to society.

The respect, comradeship, fairness and justice which we learn to value in sport are incompatible with discrimination or disparagement of others for being different.

TOT_COLORS_2007-2_061.jpgOff the playing field our team is our family, work or school mates, neighbours, our countrymen and the whole of humanity. That is the team we always play for, even when we are doing sport.

Thus cohesion programmes for immigrants such as the “ Tots Colors” (All Colours) sports tournament are designed to combat attitudes and actions which are reticent about or openly opposed to cultural and ethnic diversity.

qm3d7828.jpgIn addition initiatives such as “ Un somni per un regal” (A dream as a gift) enable sportspeople from the various FCB sections and club members to give their support for children who are ill or socially marginalised by donating toys and handing them out in hospitals.

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Image associated to news article on:  Sportsmanship


The Foundation’s Sporting Spirit Programmes are designed to spread sports activities which are more demanding in terms of the moral education of young sportspeople and hence increasingly efficient as a means of positive socialisation.

The first programme is entitled “Fem equip, fem ciutat” (Let’s play as a team, let’s live togheter), a model for the management of civic values and awareness activities in municipal sports clubs.

News article on: Fundació FC Barcelona

Image associated to news article on:  Education


With its Education and Sportmanship programmes the FC Barcelona Foundation fosters educational sports activities and brings the message of sport to the world of education.

It would be hard to find a sphere in which civic values are better exemplified than in sport. As a microcosm of society, values such as effort and perseverance, humility, courtesy and respect, a sense of fairness and honesty, comradeship, team working, responsibility and commitment to collective goals are reproduced in sport in an exceptionally clear way.

Educational Programmes

juga_la-engThe Foundation’s Educational Programmes are instruments which provide the educational system, teachers, families and free-time educators with sports-based educational tools which have enormous teaching potential.

The first of these programmes is an online resource called “Juga-la!” (Play It!) in Catalonia and “¡Juégala!” in Latin America and Spain.

FC Barcelona Foundation


  • Mr. Sandro Rosell i Feliu


  • Mr. Ramon Pont i Amenós

    1st Vice President and FC Barcelona Board Member

  • Mr. Gabriel Masfurroll i Lacambra

    Vice President

  • Mr. Ramon Canela i Piqué

    Vice President

  • Mrs. Lola Bou i Camps

    Vice President

  • Mr. Ramon Palou i Godall

    Vice President

  • Mr. Xavier Aguilar i Huguet

    Board Member

  • Mr. Ramon Alfonseda i Pous

    Board Member

  • Mr. Carles Barnils i Vila

    Board Member

  • Mr. Jordi Bellmunt i Fernández

    Board Member

  • Mr. Joan Mas i Brillas

    Board Member

  • Illustrious Mr. Mohammed Chaib Akhdim

    Board Member

  • Mrs. Marta Rodríguez de Llauder Santomá

    Board Member

  • Mr. Ramon Garriga i Saperas

    Board Member

  • Mr. Sergi González i Delgado

    Board Member and secretary

  • Mr. Antonio Llarden i Carratalá

    Board Member

  • Mrs. Rosa Maria Lleal i Tost

    Board Member

  • Exm. Mr. Josep Maldonado i Gili

    Board Member

  • Mr. Josep Maria Prat i Puig

    Board Member

  • Mr. Enric Roca i Mateo

    Board Member

  • Exm. Sr. Manel Royes i Vila

    Board Member

  • Mr. Antoni Tombas i Navarro

    Board Member

  • Mr. Joaquim Triadú i Vila-Abadal

    Board Member

  • Exm. Mr. Iñaki Urdangarín Liebaert

    Board Member

Fundació FC Barcelona

Image associated to news article on:Mission and objectives

Mission and objectives


From the season 2010-11, the FC Barcelona Foundation begins a new chapter in its history. This is the outline of our new project which brings together new challenges and a variety of new approaches.

-Sport as focal point
-Promoting Catalonia via Barça
-Chidlren and young people as main beneficiaries
- Promoting values and education
Plan of action:
- Bringing members closer to the club, in terms of activities and communication
- Transparency in management, both on an economic and technical level
- Supporting the strategic plans of the club
- Exploring new areas of financing
- Willingness to lead or co lead projects with counterparts with greater experience and knowledge


Since it was constituted in 1994, the Fundació FC Barcelona has been an eternal source of civilian participation through the numerous social, cultural and sporting activities that the club has organised, and which reflect the advanced society in which the club is located and the way that the Foundation is such an ideal vehicle for promoting them.

In 2006 FC Barcelona joined the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and donated of 0.7% of the club’s ordinary income to the Foundation to support its programmes and projects. This has led to the strengthening of our early alliances with Unicef, UNESCO and UNHCR/ACNUR, and was culminated with Futbol Club Barcelona being awarded a position as a member of the ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations).

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Senin, 28 Maret 2011

FC Barcelona Alusport 2010/11

Technical staff

  • Assistent coach: Albert Canillas
  • Fitness coach: Juan Manuel Ruiz Gros
  • Representative: Francesc Arjona
  • Doctor: Daniel Florit
  • Fitness coach: Marcel Moreno
  • Physiotherapist: Jordi Parés
  • Kit Manager: Xavier Fernández