Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

News article on: Fundació FC Barcelona

Image associated to news article on:  Education


With its Education and Sportmanship programmes the FC Barcelona Foundation fosters educational sports activities and brings the message of sport to the world of education.

It would be hard to find a sphere in which civic values are better exemplified than in sport. As a microcosm of society, values such as effort and perseverance, humility, courtesy and respect, a sense of fairness and honesty, comradeship, team working, responsibility and commitment to collective goals are reproduced in sport in an exceptionally clear way.

Educational Programmes

juga_la-engThe Foundation’s Educational Programmes are instruments which provide the educational system, teachers, families and free-time educators with sports-based educational tools which have enormous teaching potential.

The first of these programmes is an online resource called “Juga-la!” (Play It!) in Catalonia and “¡Juégala!” in Latin America and Spain.

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